Steering Committee 2024-05-08


  • Rework roadmap
  • Deciding on scope of Aux



Going over the website…

  • @jakehamilton: let’s figure out the roadmap
    • @jakehamilton: right now the website still mentions the nixpkgs fork
    • @isabel: we should commit to not forking Nix, only packages
      • @skyler: agreed, we should let Lix do their stuff
      • @jakehamilton: agreed
      • @jakehamilton: it means we can’t enable flakes, etc. on our timeline, we have to settle to what Lix is doing. We should enable experimental features OOTB
      • @skyler: I think Lix was planning to do something similar to us on the timeline
      • @isabel: also: flake melt exists as a proof of concept, it’s the opposite of flake-compat. It’s experimental and we’ve been heavily advised not to use it
      • @jakehamilton: maybe that could be useful in the future, as it aligns with our support goals for both flakes/nonflakes
  • @jakehamilton: Do we like the values on the website
    • @isabel: yes, they look fine
    • @skyler: I agree, I can get behind them
  • @jakehamilton: how about the goals?
    • @skyler: independent is confusing, “fork” is quite loaded and I think it’s unhelpful given where we’re trying to go
      - @jakehamilton: I was seeing fork as nixpkgs under our org then building up a replacement, that’s the concept that you and getchoo are describing - we only disagree on the nixpkgs clone. The confusion comes from the communication
      - @jakehamilton: maybe we should say we’re building a replacement instead
      - @isabel: how about “alternate” instead?
      • @skyler: for independent we should remove nix
    • @isabel: I think we should abandon the nixpkgs fork, and go all-in on the multi-repo idea
    • @isabel: We’re not dependent
      • @jakehamilton, @skyler: do we want to be?
      • @isabel: probably, I think it would be good, some of those library changes might be good to pull in
      • @jakehamilton: I would like to eventually be able to remove dependence on nixpkgs. You don’t have to avoid it, but it feels like a worthwhile goal to be able to use us on our own
    • @jakehamilton: How is governance
      • @jakehamilton: are SIGs and Committees fine?
        • @isabel, @skyler: as ideas for what we are aiming for yes
        • @jakehamilton: no issues with committees, SIGs, etc.
      • @jakehamilton: How about elections
        • @jakehamilton: K8S does 2-year terms, and some term limits, etc.
          • @skyler: terms of 2 years seem very long for the current project speed
          • @jakehamilton: sure, but this is a longer-term goal
          • @isabel: I think debian also does 2-year terms
      • @jakehamilton: does the wording need to change
        • @skyler: I think linking to the wiki, etc., could avoid people not knowing what we mean here…
        • @isabel: I think it’s generally fine
    • @isabel: we need to remove stabilization, it’s all Lix’s thing
    • @jakehamilton: infrastructure needs to stay a thing, should we collapse it
      • @isabel: definitely collapse
      • @skyler: if we collapse it, we need to still call it out as a thing
    • @jakehamilton: any feelings on education?
      • @jakehamilton: I think the reason we’re calling it out is because Nix has poor docs, I wanted to make it core to the project as a whole. I think it’s important for people to be able to learn and develop with it if we want it to succeed
      • @skyler: you’re going to hear no dissent from me on making docs a core part of the project
      • @jakehamilton: so, what about the wording?
        • @skyler: I wonder if we can add something about how we’re documenting the process of contributing
  • @jakehamilton: what about the roadmap?
    • @skyler: I think we should cut soft fork
    • @jakehamilton: It it worth having a setup phase?
      • @isabel: I think it’s worth saying so, people are very excited for hard fork
      • @skyler: we should replace soft fork with setup, then
      • @jakehamilton: the stuff that we’ve done so far makes sense
        • @skyler: call the phase “setup and planning” maybe?
        • @jakehamilton: we should call out that nothing is set in stone, groups are quite loose, no charters, etc.
        • @jakehamilton: the purpose is to “get started” [i.e. not to be perfect]
        • @isabel: how about funding?
    • @jakehamilton: should we have some outputs for each phase? “Planning is done when you’ve planned it” but maybe that isn’t tangeable enough
      • @jakehamilton: “this phase is complete once we have a clear plan for managing core and how the other SIGs will integrate”
    • @jakehamilton: “hard fork” is poor wording here, maybe “implementation” is closer
      • @jakehamilton: the purpose is “building the alternative”
      • @skyler: I wonder if we should do infrastructure in this phase? If we’re not forking nixpkgs we can do it
        • @jakehamilton: I think the costs will grow over time…
        • @jakehamilton: could we use detsys cache as an interim?
          • @skyler, @isabel: I think that this could cause people to lose trust in us following values
          • @skyler: detsys is kind of at the core of a lot of the current stuff. I don’t know if we should accept this from them
        • @jakehamilton: so we want CI, it would be nice to have a binary cache, currently we have an offer from detsys to run that for us… but we may want to deny it
          • @isabel: security committee should probably have a say on caching
          • @jakehamilton: how about we say no-to-maybe for binary cache for implementation
            • @minion: probably we have to for now
    • @jakehamilton: what other phases do we need?
      • Infrastructure was consumed, I don’t think we need a whole phase for that now
      • Organization phase mentions more full establishment of SIGs and Committees
        • @isabel: I’m not sure organization fits there
          • @skyler: agreed, organization feels more like the earlier bit
        • @jakehamilton: at some point we need to have SIG and Committee charters… when should that happen
        • @skyler: I wonder if a timeline would be better… I see this as happening alongside some of the later implementation… we continue building stuff but we also solidify some of these SIGs/Committees
          • @jakehamilton: so this would encompass continued implementation and solidifying SIGs and Committees
            • @skyler: yes
      • Solidification…
        • @jakehamilton: what about the CLI?
          • @skyler: this is still important to me. We’re not lix, but nixos-rebuild, etc. are
          • @isabel: could we provide something like this with a justfile?
            • @skyler: no, that doesn’t work there… that would only be usable in your config/anywhere you could convince to add your justfile
          • @isabel: so, similar to nh then?
            • @skyler: yes
        • @jakehamilton: how about flakes?
          • @skyler: we can’t stabilize them, but we should enable them in our installer…
          • @jakehamilton: what do Lix do?
            • @jakehamilton: looks like they don’t enable them by default but they ask when you install… which is easy enough
      • How about the final phase?
        • @skyler: I don’t want it to feel like the end
          • @jakehamilton: how about we call out that we’re continuing at the end of the phase
        • @jakehamilton: what do we need to do here?
          • documentation
          • branding
          • @jakehamilton: lots of this stuff could be done earlier… but they must be done by now
          • @jakehamilton: are secrets an important thing to have as part of this? They’re required for deployment
            • @isabel: what secrets thing would we use
              • @isabel: age has to be the default… sops doesn’t work properly on darwin
              • @jakehamilton: how about something like gokey
            • @isabel: I think anything that’s on the roadmap has to be certain…
              • @isabel: maybe we can put something more fluffy in wikijs?
            • @skyler, @isabel: we need to talk to COMSEC about this instead

Other bits

  • @isabel: in our repositories can we do some metric for popularity like homebrew?
    • @skyler: some metric is important, we can’t let a github stars be the be-all-end-all
    • @isabel: vikunja is hosted on its own private gitea…
    • @jakehamilton: maybe we could have people vote?
      • @skyler: I want people to be sure that it’ll get in if they make a pull request…
      • @jakehamilton: I meant prior to pull request, e.g. as issues
    • @skyler: I’m trying to use this as a proxy for if it’s maintained
      • @jakehamilton: “add everything” leads to lots of churn
      • @isabel: and is more than 1 person going to use it?
    • @jakehamilton: can we delegate this to SIGs?
      • @isabel: SIGs probably have more of an idea what makes sense … e.g. Gnome might have looser or stricter guidelines, depending on their stance at packaging even more calculators
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Not sure if this was meant at a package level, but I’d second that its worth considering.

Its one of the things I think is really important but also so hard so solve that idk if we will be able to. Its especially hard with a monorepo.


Yes this is intended for the package level, there was another forum post after the event of this meeting where I went a bit more in-depth