Software to use for chat service

We are right now communicating in realtime …


lol yes, there is a lot of excitement for the new community :heart:


I don’t see the usefulness of zulip expect reducing the clutter on this forum

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I am not very familiar with Discourse, but couldn’t there be a category or something like that for user questions here? That way everything could be more in one place.

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Regarding Discourse: while I don’t deny the necessity of having a IM room I think the forum should not be underrated.

It’s the easiest way to have searchable, indexed, public discussions and I think for a community such ours who has democracy ani transparency as goals that’s important.

I don’t know if I properly worded it to convey what I meant, sorry. :sweat_smile:


Yes, we do have Help for exactly that reason :slight_smile:


Perhaps using Discourse could be sufficient for now? Or at least directing people to Discourse as the main place to search and ask for questions.


I think this is a reasonable approach. If we find the need for a chat room then we can add Matrix. I think we will need it at some point, likely for the benefit of working groups, but for now we can make do here.


Seams reasonable for the time being. Frees up resources that for the moment are better off on other places, we have much work to do!


I think that Zulip might be the best choice. Nix had the same problem with real time and discourse communication, whre info was split between github issues, matrix, and discourse. If we can combine the real time and the discourse all in one, that’s the best course, and the splitting of issues would be done by mods.

@jakehamilton I don’t think that we should settle this later – if we do need to change, how do we migrate all this important discussion happening right now? We need to setup the infrastructure ASAP so everything else can be built on it.


I agree with either Zulip or Discourse, since they seem to serve very similar needs. Having both might contribute to the information disconnect mentioned earlier.

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Matrix is cool, but discord solves so many of its problems. Personally, I think discord should be used and bridged to matrix for people who wish to use it.

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@jakehamilton upped the limit from 10 messages to 50. We should use Discourse for everything.

We need a chat service – already in a few hours the entire thread has gone to 50 posts. After a week of real time usage this will become unusable – discourse isn’t built for that. And 50 real time messages isn’t enough.

Is there a way that we may set up a poll?

To clarify, 50 replies is the limit for a user’s first day. After that this limit no longer applies.


Matrix Viewer might be the way to go.

We could completely switch to Zulip because its indexable and searchable.

I personally had many issues with Matrix. I would rather use something else

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Maybe it would be a good idea set up a survey where people mark IM solutions in order of preference (stick with discourse, matrix, zulip, …), so we can get some more representative data. I think discourse has a number rating poll built in, it could probably be added on the top comment of this thread.

I’ll spin one up really quick