SIG Documentation meeting agenda proposal

As discussed in First meeting for docs!, we’ll be having our first meeting 2024-05-04T17:00:00Z

We’ll be using SIG: Documentation meeting on 2024-05-04 - HedgeDoc for notes and minutes, and meeting in Jitsi Meet. You are encouraged to join whether you are a member of SIGDocs or not

I’ve sketched out a quick agenda of some things we could talk about, please let me know what you think

  • Approval of agenda
  • Membership changes
    • Introductions
      • possible icebreaker questions
        • What’s your favorite food?
        • What’s your favorite package in Nix/Aux?
  • Leadership election
  • Documentation software discussion (Software to use for docs)
    • Decision on what to work on first
      • e.g. Wiki first? Guide first?
  • Translation discussion
    • Approval of setting up Weblate
  • Any other business
  • Date of next meeting

Things for meeting

  • we should have a way to know WHATS going on in docs

  • create a board or chat or something, even if not official, for people to track what is going on betwee documentation

  • come to a consensus on the inclusion of snowfalllib, if so, incoroprate that as an aux project and start docs

  • commit bits?

  • Setting up the wiki NOW. Need to have that for newcomers to know what aux is first, software just copy what nixos is using right now since we need to migrate their database, we can decide what software is being used later

  • request other Sigs to let us know what they’re doing so we can reflect in docs – something like a biweekly requirement for someone to do

  • come up with a list of people’s tutorials we like and start asking permission

Meeting minutes/notes are here

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