Hi, this may be a silly question, but how do you pronounce Aux? “Ox” (like auxiliary), “Oaks”, or “Oh” (like the French aux)?
Not sure that clarifies; I say “iliary” and “
olotl → axolotl
olotl → auxolotl
TIL that there is even such a thing as an axolotl. Thank you for educating me! (And the logo makes so much more sense now, too.)
I was hoping others were leaning toward Ox, too. That’s the way my brain wants to pronounce it.
There’s also the Nahuatl pronounciation (timestamped video) of axolotl, which is a bit like “ah-SHO-lot”. Trying to throw in the added “u” in there, I end up saying something like “oar-SHO-lot” - little clunky, but it also works.
Because my native language is German, I’ve until now imagined it to be pronounced [ˈaʊ̯ks], like in the standard¹ German pronunciation of the city name Auxburg ([ˈaʊ̯ksbʊʁk]). But I guess that doesn’t make much sense if we consider “aux” to be an abbreviation of the English word “auxiliary”, unless we trace that one back to its Latin roots.
¹as opposed to the local German dialect at Auxburg (Swabian), where that city’s name is pronounced ['ao̯gʃbʊrg] or similar
The pronunciation you linked to is interesting! I’m hearing “owgz” in it, which might be how a Texan with a thick drawl might say “auxiliary”: owg-ZILL-ary.
Perhaps we could think of this in the same way that Linus Torvalds explains pronouncing ‘Linux’. Fundamentally he suggests a way to pronounce it, as it is based on his first name, and then has an ‘x’ at the end, to reference Unix. So, ‘Linus’+‘X’= Linux. Linus then went on to say that although that is the way he suggests pronouncing it, in the spirit of software freedom/ open source, people are encouraged to pronounce it in whichever way they prefer.
This article references his thoughts.
The name is indeed short for Auxiliary. The correct way to pronounce Aux is “Awks”, like the beginning of the word auxiliary.
As Axolotl it would be Critically Endangered!