Meeting Agenda for 2024-06-01

The meeting will be held in the same time and place as usual - Jitsi - AuxSigDocs 2024-06-01T17:00:00Z. If you’d like to add items to the agenda, please feel free to comment them below! Our agenda/minutes are also available on Hedgedoc

  • Approval/revision of agenda
  • Lib documentation
    • @minion: pkgs.writeScript & associated writers
  • @isabel, @liketechnik: What else should we document from lib
  • Wiki pages
  • Forgejo status update
  • Any other business
  • What should we do in the upcoming week?

I will likely not be able to attend this week. I wish everyone a good discussion!


I won’t be able to participate this week; have a nice meeting tomorrow!


re agenda: I was wondering if we have already settled on the markdown dialect and possibly supported extension?

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Gonna miss this one too, due to an AC appointment. We can’t schedule things like this during the week because of work, so they tend to fall on Saturday afternoons :woozy_face:

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at the moment we’re going with wiki.js, I’m happy to discuss further in the meeting though!

that’s a real shame, I’m sorry to hear it. Perhaps we could also look at if the current time remains good for people? I know that Security is looking into a potential change there

Minutes are here: Minutes from SIG: Documentation meeting on 2024-06-01