Hi everybody,
In my Flake-Config with Home-Manager on nixpkgs Unstable, my Home-Manager fails to set the Environment Variable for the SSH-Agent.
I enabled SSH-Agent in my Home Config: services.ssh-agent.enable = true;
Then after Re-Logging, echo "$SSH_AUTH_SOCK"
does return Nothing. (Happens on both, wayland and X11)
However the Home-Manager Module for ssh-agent should set the Environment Variables:
home.sessionVariablesExtra = ''
if [ -z "$SSH_AUTH_SOCK" ]; then
I have Wondered if it could be related to Need mechanism to activate sessionVariables in Wayland sessions · Issue #2659 · nix-community/home-manager · GitHub, but because it happens on X11 too I’m not sure about it anymore.
The Host Config and other Home Config Stuff should be pretty standard for a Plasma 6 Install.
I need the SSH-Agent (and ENV-Variables) to comfortably unlock my SSH-Keys with KeePassXC.
Thanks for Helping!