Hey, I’m thinking of hosting a hedgedoc instance so we can start writing actual documentation.
One of the PRs that’s currently open presents an opportunity for something we can document and I think having a hedgedoc instance would help us work a little faster.
I can get the instance up in like an hour or two if everyone’s in agreement.
Okay, I got a hedgedoc instance up and running at: https://auxdocs.foss.life, it uses GitHub logins for the moment so it’s easy to just hop in and start working on stuff.
Feel free to use this to block out some documentation ideas or get started on documentation until we figure out what we’ll actually use for documenting stuff.
Lemme know if you run into any issues using it!
I’ve been playing around with it and so far I haven’t hit any issues myself, but you can never be too sure.
While HedgeDoc is indeed very useful, just like ¹ There Ain’t No Such Thing As Plain Text, there is also no such thing as “just Markdown”. That’s why Pandoc offers a gazillion ² of Markdown dialects to convert between.
Unfortunately, the Markdown dialect used by HedgeDoc doesn’t seem to be CommonMark nor the dialect GitHub or GitLab use and (as far as I’m aware) isn’t even one of the many that Pandoc supports (or at least not with all of HedgeDoc’s not-so-standard Markdown features).
That being said, documents that aren’t too long and complicated or that don’t use many exotic features can usually be somewhat feasibly converted by some ad-hoc combination of automatic conversion, textual search-replace on the source code and manual editing of the source code.
¹ (but orthogonal to the plain text encoding question)
² figure grossly exaggerated for rhetoric / dramatic effect
Yeah my thinking too. I rather have easy collaboration from the start with the downside of doing a one-time migration effort than struggling over a tool to help us nurture good collaboration
“Everything is temporary” as they say in Factorio