Can I help with Infrastruture?

For sure, is there any way we can help over on the Infra side? I noticed there was no SIG for it and assumed you had it covered… If not, myself and @coded host all of our own stuff using Nix, we’d be happy to lend a hand

For example, could we help with setting up Matrix? We host our own server already so we’re familiar with this


This is something I need to work out. I want to say “an emphatic YES, thank you” though right now it may get a bit hard to manage lots of separate machines owned by separate people. The cost is also something to be concerned with.

I think I would like to wait until tomorrow at least to establish a Matrix server. We will likely want to get a few things done first:

  • Start adding people to the git-host’s org
  • Fork nixpkgs / nix
  • Create an infra repo
  • Move my config for this server into that repository
  • Collaborate with others to get deployment going without too many bottlenecks

I’m an infra nerd and also willing to help out on that side of things once you’ve got things settled.


This makes sense, let me know when you get the infra repo going, or a SIG or a channel. Myself and @coded would love to lend expertise wherever possible!


Awesome will do, thank you both so much!!!


Aye! Count me in too!
I love tinkering with infra. :smiley:


:raised_hand: Another raised hand from for infra.
Been doing my own personal since forever + infrastructure security & applied cryptography professionally


I can help with server/OS maintenance (and cloud/Kubernetes admin if needed).


Just saw this cool new software this morning for an automated review bot for nixpkgs, perhaps we could make use of it. Though it might need some changes to work with our forge.


Those coming here to read about infra should also go checkout


I’m very time, energy, and brain-power poor these days, but I still like to tinker with infrastructure stuff, though I’m probably getting a bit out of date. Realistically it would be unfair of me to commit to real maintainership/admin, but I’d love to help troubleshoot and kick ideas around when I’m able.

There was some fedi discussion about possible experimental peer-to-peer binary cache solutions. Again there’s probably a limit to what I can do, but I have access to a couple of self-hosted mini-servers in different locations with a little bit of bandwidth and storage. I’d be happy to spin up some lightweight experimental containers to help with any proof-of-concept stage, even if those servers would be of pretty limited use as part of a full-scale public deployment.


@jakehamilton perhaps offtopic, but it would be awesome if the source for was placed on the github org!

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Yes that’s the plan! Doing some irl things at the moment so I won’t get to it until later.

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@jakehamilton I wonder if some more people could have invite permission over on the GitHub org - it seems to me that GitHub Organization Membership is likely to become a bottleneck otherwise. Perhaps some people from different timezones if we know them?

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I agree, part of extending those responsibilities is expanding ownership of the org. Right now I’m not sure who would fit that role particularly well. Happy to hear from anyone who feels they would be able to help out.

I’ll happily nominate myself, I’m in UTC currently and will have to go to bed soon though, so may not be enough if it becomes a bottleneck tonight.


I’m willing to lend a hand and cover from AEST (GMT+10), if needed.


Can lend a hand from EST (UTC-4) here as well


I can lend a hand too. UTC +5:30 here.


I’ve added @minion, @srxl, @coded, and @Axel as fellow owners of the GitHub repository. Thank you for helping with the clerical work!