@jalil Apologies, I’ve been owing you a response on this for quite a while. Thanks a ton for the extensive write-up - it gave me a chance to think some things through and gain more clarity.
Personally I’m against both. gits purpose is to document for eternity the different versions of a file. Encryption algorithms age, new attacks become available that weaken the security of the stored values.
Some people use a separate access controlled secrets repo which makes the pattern IMO acceptable.
But given we reached the conclusion that from an operational perspective secrets are state that needs to be maintained independently from config, commit and versioning the secrets with the config might only be the best solution in specific cases but not in the general case.
This issue exists in both directions. A rollback might also break your credentials.
From what I see it comes back to what I said above: Is your credential versioning attached to your config versioning or not.
Agreed. This is where the scope of our previous description was missing. This solution is meant to co-exist with existing ones, not replacing them. IMO we’re in the current predicament because of a lack of flexibility how we manage passwords. If you like what exists right now and it works well enough for you, I would highly recommend sticking with it 
The declarative+generative approach is highly beneficial the larger the amount of systems is one has to manage. In my recent thought I realized I might want to use the term “operational security” aka the management of the secret lifecycle over time and space (aka number of devices).
Jein. It’s not versioning them in the traditional sense. As the declared secrets are (simplified) KEY_DERIVATION($SEED, $STRING)
with $STRING
also called a “realm”, one can do cheeky things like including a timestamp (e.g. 2024-07
for a monthly rotated secret) into the string. Explicit versioning/ archiving them is not necessary anymore as we can now “time travel” through the secrets history by adjust that date string.
I’m not sure about the ease part. What makes secret management hard? It’s typically a human perception. Maybe for some it’s the amount of secrets stored (in which case this project even makes sense with a small amount of machines) maybe others struggle with rotating the secrets.
maybe it would be best to have a set of answers what people are struggling with or find annoying when using tools like sops-nix/ agenix. 
Way too complex for my test 
One aspect I recently realized and tried to express in the Matrix channel is that the currently only pattern to managing secrets is the pattern of locking them in some form of vault (encrypted git, hashicorp vault, systemd-cred) and than trying to solve sync and decryption problem.
The declarative+generative approach does the same tradeoff that vaults do: Securing a long list of secrets with a selected list of credentials.
But instead of credentials to access secrets it’s seeds to generate new secrets. One side-effect of this new pattern is that we actually don’t need to store and sync secrets, but rather reproducible generate them at time of use.
I believe this is a different mental model and it took me a moment to realize and start thinking in it. Much is inspired by the cloudflare/gokey utility and it’s primary difference is the “vaultless” (not stateless) aspect.
That said, the vaultless pattern is not the best for all situations, API tokens generated by someone else are a great example. So to make the end-user experience the best I believe the vaultless and vault pattern both need to be able to co-exist.
No this is not the goal of this project.
The goal is to provide a vaultless alternative to managing secrets.
I’ve found at least 3 projects that query secrets from vault to make them available in nixos. While some have some interesting solutions, I don’t believe it makes sense to replicate any of their work into another new project.
I personally wanna avoid xkcd 927 
Plus I personally dislike (and do my best to avoid) a pattern for my infrastructure in which access to secrets relies on another “heavy service” that needs maintenance. It’s too easy to end up in a deadlock during disaster recovery or the need to buy a SaaS product to solve the availability issue.