Can everyone have triage permissions on GitHub?


I cant add reviewers, am i just bad at github :sob:

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Hum that is strange. Mine has a gear icon that allows me to request others. Maybe its a limitation of the repo settings, Ill take a look.


So from what I’m seeing, it requires maintain perms on a repository to add a reviewer. The only team with maintain on website is the Marketing Committee, hence the inability for @marshmallow to add a reviewer, me and @isabel are able to however, as we have higher base perms in the org.

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should need only triage, I think. We should possibly give everyone in the org triage perms, it’s relatively nondestructive


Oh yea maybe so. Seems like a reasonable thing to do overall. Thoughts and/or opinions @isabel @jakehamilton

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For comparison, every package maintainer has triage on Nixpkgs

I’ll take a quick look into it, preferable want to avoid a mass ping.

Oh if that’s the case then its probably fine.

Interestingly we would have to make a team just to allow users to be able to have the triage perms


Sounds reasonable to me. I took a look and I can’t seem to find a setting to default to triage for everyone :thinking:

This is an unfortunate limitation of GitHub, yes. I think we should do so (have some “base” team or equivalent)

I’ve added an auxolotl team with notifications disabled


@jakehamilton I see you moved all the teams to a subteam of Auxolotl but some members are not a part of any team yet. How do we handle them?

Was just about to reply mentioning this. Yeah I nested all the teams so we can hopefully provide a base set of permissions. For people that are not a member of the organization I think we will have to have permissions set on the repository itself.

That’s fair. But I think we should move all teams out base team. And add individuals to that team when they are added.


Can do, I’ll undo the nesting :sweat_smile:


Aaaaaaaand we’re back


I have offically been rate limited, do you mind adding the rest.

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Just these 3 left:

  • wamserma
  • zombiezen
  • Zumorica


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