The Auxolotl wiki is up!

I could swear that wasn’t there before :wink: And yes it help, thx :+1:

Vivaldi 6.6.3271.61 (Stable channel) stable (64-bit)

It looks like it’s behaving a bit flaky. Sometimes things are good, sometimes not. Haven’t found a way to reproduce it.


The wiki currently doesn’t load when javascript is disabled. Is it reasonable to try and fix this?

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We are using wikijs so there is no current way to fix this.


That’s unidea but i’m clearly a bit late the discussion on wiki software, and it’s not the end of the world


Upstream thread: requarks/wiki#7158


Hi @KaitlynEthylia, it’s excellent to see you in docs!

The reason we chose wiki.js rather than something like mediawiki is because it supports markdown as a default. We think that this will later let us move out some pages (or even the whole wiki!) over to other platforms.

While we hope the Wiki is an excellent resource, we’re already writing sections that would better fit in other places (contributing, for example, might well be moved into our “community” repo).

If javascriptless support is important to you, you can look at the upstream issue, but we’re also very open to suggestions for other markdown-supporting software to put pieces on.


personally I’d be very much in support of a static site based off of 11ty or something.

It wouldn’t allow editing from the wiki itself, I don’t know how important that is it other people, and it would take a little bit to get everything set up as it’s very batteries-not-included, but it would give the maximum amount of control and flexibility, whilst still allowing editors to just deal in markdown files.

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Probably we would prefer to use Astro instead for this, given it’s used on the main website already, but that’s pretty much the same idea as you’ve given here I think!

Wolud you like to help make that?

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I’ve not used astro before and I’ll be busy for the next couple weeks, but I’d be down to learn help out where I can when I get some time

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I can write something up tomorrow :slight_smile:


If an effort to move the wiki to astro or something does go underway, I think it would be important to have a poll on how important in-wiki editing is to people, as it may take a lot of extra work to get something like that working.

something like:

  1. The wiki should not move to a different platform until in-wiki editing is available.
  2. In-wiki editing is important to me, but the move can happen earlier, as long as there’s a plan to implement it at some point.
  3. In-wiki editing is not important to me

well, hmmm… in-wiki editing is important, and a full switch of wiki software is something I would want to bring in to a SIG Docs meeting before we decided on it.

That said, I think we could easily make something to consume and view the files, and link back to the wiki.js editor. I assume that’s what @coded is proposing to make, too. This sort of move-fast-prototype-thing probably doesn’t need much of a discussion.

Presumably we would be able to host it on or similar (which currently redirects to the wiki…) and have no impact to current wiki access


Yep that’s exactly what I was thinking.

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I have something hacky we could start with at build: experiment: create static html from markdown by liketechnik · Pull Request #1 · auxolotl/wiki · GitHub


Hmmmm, it’s an interesting idea for getting something up quickly… Longer term I’m definitely more interested in Astro which I think could allow us the freedom to do things better than we’re likely to easily get with this, but pandoc is definitely a good tool to have on our radars for converting markdown into its million different formats…

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This is exctly why I really dig wiki.js. As an example we edited in that interface and then had CI pull some content into game projects as item descriptions and similar.


After using this we had some troubles with stability - e.g. resizing your screen would sometimes permanently hide the navigation.

Because of this, we’ve removed the plugin


Since I have some spare time on my evenings right now, I wanted to add some localization to the wiki but found myself unable to select german as a locale, is there something I need to do to be able to write it?