i love catppuccin nix, got a MR open on it right now that i would love to see merged : )
Hello, I am tired bunny; can do a lot of stuff badly and some stuff decently. A person who prefers things to work more or less out of box but then tweaks it until it breaks.
My current Nix config is at jilinoleg/nixos-workstation-config: NixOS config I use for two of my workstation machines. - Codeberg.org
Ohh that’s you, I’ll be sure to speak to getchoo and see what the hold up is.
Hullo! I’m Emil / AngryAnt - developer, small business manager, general tinkerer & logic juggler, located in Copenhagen, Denmark.
I have 20 years of professional experience developing games & interactive technology, on top of which I have enjoyed extensive involvement in volunteer work, conference organizing, teaching, and speaking at way too many events all over the place. I spent a lot of my time at small startup shops, one of which grew very not-small before I ejected. I also did a lot of exploring by consulting at places like Autodesk, EA DICE, Github, Google, Oculus, etc. I am not a big fan of working in big organizations, and I was lucky to have the option of just doing short consulting stints there.
Having only ever daily driven MacOS/macOS I decided to abandon the platform in 2018 in search of more flexibility and choice, which a year later landed me in nix land where I happily nestled in and started building out usage for everything personal as well as all services and processes at our small studio.
I maintain a couple of packages here & there, where I found something missing, and when I find the time I do what I can to help out on for example the zero failure drives. A good deal of the stuff I build for the business gets a bit too unwieldy for direct nixpkgs contribution, so when it is at some state of broadly useful I in stead share it separately, under MIT (my license of choice).
I hope to find the time to contribute meaningfully to Aux
did you actually make/start this? I love it
Hi, finally found some time to sign up here.
Got into Nix 5 years ago (system.stateVersion = "19.03";
). I’m still listed as a maintainer for some rather irrelevant packages in NixOS and I created/maintain https://github.com/wamserma/flake-programs-sqlite/
Beyond that I am mainly a user (NixOS,Nix on Ubuntu, home-manager, flakes) and not willing to switch to a “classic” distro (Arch, Gentoo,…), so I’m enjoying some sort of vendor lock-in here.
With things spinning faster that I can catch up in the forums, I’ll probably keep hanging around both communities for now.
Hey ! I’m Austreelis, a queer transfem from Belgium. I’ve been using nix for about 4 years, and put out 2 or 3 contributions here and there in the ecosystem (to nix-cargo-integration and home-manager). I’ve mostly never interacted with the nix community, partly for reasons that bubbled up to today’s situation and because I was involved in other things.
I’m mainly a Rust user and still run NixOS on most of my machines. I collect used and/or old computing stuff, and I’m in the process of assembling a small low-cost/power/maintenance homelab. I’m very interested in minimalistic software, smolnet, etc.
I’m willing to invest time in Aux, and looking forward to how things go ! I’m especially interested in rust and docs, but I’d like to help where help is needed (core, branding, whatever I can really, but I’m still looking around and acquainting myself with the space :3 ).
After thumbing through github, I can say we’ve got quite the cast of heavyweight contributors here.
I just want to let you know that @isabel has absolutely all of us beat. And its not by like… a little bit either haha
Yeah my commit history is a little busy.
Hello Aux
I’m NotAShelf, much more commonly (but not exclusively) known on the internet as raf. I’m a sailmaker and part-time Political Science/International Relations instructor for the time being. Currently pursuing my PhD in Political Science, hoping to bridge the gap between out of touch political institutions and end-user in terms of data protection and privacy (which is a human right, unbeknownst to many.)
My experience has been a little longer than a full year, during which I have integrated Nix and NixOS to several personal infrastructure projects while learning the specifics of the Nix language and the package manager. My GİtHub page contains a few Nix related projects that I happily maintain on my own time, I also maintain a few packages on Nixpkgs.
I have no formal education in programming, but I have dabbled my fair share in C, C++, Go, Rust and Python alongside some other languages I experience with time to time. Despite that, I am hoping to contribute to Aux with my existing skillset.
Nice to meet you all.
yeah I love to find weird behaviour on GitHub
I also have a time travel machine on my second account
Hello, I’m athleticat, or @nyawox, non-binary pan from Japan. I have been using NixOS for about 3 years, around 21.xx iirc, but only begun to learn more Nix and engage with the community recently. Sorry for the bad English as it’s my third language. I’m particularly interested in helping doc translation, as it provides an opportunity to improve my proficiency in English. Also, I finally quit my habit of layout hopping which makes typing slow, and hopefully found my “end game” keyboard layout, with this settled, I’m willing to contribute to packaging and development whenever I can. I don’t have any formal education in computer science, but I’m learning everything through trial and error.
Hola, Ola,
Time for introduction I guess, there’s always more to say than fits here. So if you got any questions plz poke me.
I’ve started my linux journey around SuSE 6.$SOMETHING, a whopping 27years ago It quickly became my major everyday platform except for a stint of copr-managed Chrome device (still Linux, kinda Gentoo
) and some years with win10 because …
The 2 distros that had me exited were Gentoo (until I got tired of compiling and binary cache weren’t that usable back than) and NixOS. The ChromeOS + win10 excourse falls in between the events of getting tired of compiling and discovering NixOS.
NixOS just makes sense! When I learned about the technical solution it was immediately clear that this distro allows me to create what I’ve always felt was the better solution…
So now I’m in the process of re-creating everything, using Literate Programming, NixOS, the std and hive framework - maybe omnibus in the future, the pops
concept is just right for me.
I have a knack for teaching and documenting and efficient async communication. Writing feels like a superpower to me, the right words just make up all the magic. Metaphors are a brilliant way to communicate the uncommunicatable, indescribable, unknown.
I’m human - I have feelings and beyond all this tech stuff really enjoy my time on longboards (street) and in the water - with or without boards - it’s my happy place.
Used to have a pretty successful carreer in one of the big tech companies, IT security expert (infrastructure + cryptography + compliance) by trade. Now moving into open-source work, community collaboration and my own ideas and visions of what technology can be. Also a big philosopher - especially around the topics of digital technology and the humanities.
Hello I am oomfie (or known as amy rose) i am a hobbyist linux user, testing around experimental software. started with mint and ended up with NixOS bc i broke sliverblue with grub.
I created the cuterose colorscheme and i maintain my carrdots and i maintain a site
i am happy to help around :3
hi! i’m blue, i’ve been linuxing in various forms since sixth grade, and i’ve been doing JS and Rust since 2022-2023. i run NixOS on my server and laptop, but i’ll soon convert to AuxOS! i’ve been doing web and graphic design since 2020, and student journalism since 2020 as well.
I realized I was the one who created this thread and I haven’t posted about myself yet…
I am Estegosaurio (I should find a better name). I’m interested in almost anything under the Sun but I’m not good at anything. I’ll like to get better at programming tho (eyeing Rust atm).
I… don’t have anything interesting about myself to add here. Do your days have like 38h or something?
Anyway, you all seam lovely, hope we have fun here.
Hello citizens of Aux,
I am a computer science student at the University of Padua, Italy
I’ve been drawn to tech for many years, but I got into Linux and free software only about 3 years ago (I have somewhat fond memories of my beginning with ZorinOS) and into NixOS more or less a year ago.
NixOS is not the only system of its kind that I appreciate, as I have also ran Silverblue+nix or more interestingly Guix System (which I hope we can take positive inspiration from!).
I also like self-hosting, the Zig programming language, peer-to-peer tech (bittorrent and syncthing my beloveds) and I’m more recently getting interested in kernels and other aspects of system development.
My contributions to Nix are veeery minor, for now it’s only a theming package (borealis-cursors) but I’d love to contribute to Aux as I get more proficient with it and its surrounding ecosystem.
For now I have offered myself as a localization contributor for an eventual Italian translation of the docs, but I’ll gladly help around with whatever else I can uwu
I believe Aux’s strength will lie in its community’s ability to openly and respectfully discuss issues and come to a reasonable consensus on each of them, to then move forward in the same direction
Hey all,
My name is Yulian and have been in tech since I was a teenager. Been coding for almost 2 decades now and been doing it professionally for 13 years.
Currently live on the west Coast US and have a wife and 2 kids. I am moving to Denmark this fall.
I currently work for Unity as a staff DevOps Engineer and am just deep on tech. Started out as a Backend engineer until a startup needed me on DevOps. Been this since then.
I use Nix mostly for dev tools and home management. Makes it easier to manage on immutable systems (I run Fedora Silverblue these days, either with Bluefin or Bazzite)
Fun to run into more Unity here I suppose it is becoming fairly inevitable given staff size these days
Welcome and make sure to push some nix at those bozos